covers, covers, covers. That's my hold-up with Spectral Analysis right now. What to do for covers. Everyone says "don't judge a book by its cover" and "it's what's on the inside that counts", but truly, it's what's on the cover that gets that initial attention. It's what's on the cover that catches the eye. So first impressions count and dressing up a little to go to the ball helps if you want to be asked to dance. But I don't have the money for Rodeo Drive, so it'll have to be simple, clean, smart...unless a fairy godmother drops in with a magic wand and presents me with a dazzling cover plan.
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With perfect basal cleavage, this mica breaks into thin sheets, transparent and elastic. properties that hint at mystic abilities If reflection, refraction, and an ability to see through to the truth and deeper meanings in life. Muscovite allows a better view into your intuition.

As a self-published book, this was no easy feat. the title needs to be printed from a wholesale distributor. It needs to be returnable. It needs to be updated in the B&N data base. It needs to be ”pitched” to the guy making it “OK” for store managers to order. Then….someone needs to beg the manager to order a book by an unknown author with a nonexistent publisher. So much work for 3-4 sales. But seeing it on the shelf! priceless!

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