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Read it and weep. SJ takes us into the mind of a confused young woman. Was she assaulted? Is Tony real? Did she steal from her dormmates? SJ has captured the terrifying transition from childhood home to adulthood like no other, and it is timeless. I do enjoy a nice mystery.

Imagination is the elixir of life. Books, Music, and the visual arts are the vessels we utilize in which to imbibe. I'm sure someone said this before me, but it hit me the other day when I was dreaming up a cover for a new story? Relay a murder, put blood on the cover. A mystery, make it dark. A dog as a major character, but a dog image somewhere. I hope it's funny, make the font more whimsical. Everything about making up a story is fun...I admit, I even hear the background music in my head when I'm writing the story.

This mineral circulates positive power and grounds flighty energy. It’s slightly magnetic and has a reddish streak. Sometimes called blood stone, red ochre or iron oxide.

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